Monday, January 25, 2010

The next 2 weeks...

Here is a pic of little Joel in the middle of the 3rd attempt at trying to recreate the picture of his dad at the same age in the same outfit on the same rocking horse. The 3rd attempt went much better. However, they look nothing alike!

These next two weeks are going to be tough on the family.. Joel and Ryan only have 5 assemblies BUT the locations are Osage, Iowa, Danielsville, Georgia, Wahpeton, North Dakota, back to Cedar Rapids Iowa, then ending the craziness with a 3 day retreat in Reading, Michigan. Oh, and yes you guessed it.. they are driving the Moose to all of these locations. Next weekend we will see each other in Cincy briefly as I will be there all weekend judging a meet.

Judging ... that is something that is also adding to the business of our lives but I haven't mentioned it much. As many of you probably know I was a gymnast for 14 years and absolutely loved the sport! Joel and I met through Athletes-in-Action at Ohio State and he attended a few of my meets my Junior and Senior year in 2004. After it was over, I gotta say it was nice to take
a break for a while.. I seriously didn't work out that entire year (which was right before we got married... don't worry I wasn't a blimp for my wedding!) but then I started to miss it - a lot! Finally I decided to give judging a try and I have loved it ever since! My mom took up judging about 15 years ago when I was just getting to be a decent gymnast and she could see that I might actually be in the sport a while. I judge anywhere from the little girls (level 3's and 4's around 6 years old) to High School aged girls. Gymnastics is a Winter sport so the busy season is Dec-Feb. Honestly, the most challenging part of judging for me is not letting it dominate my life during those months. I enjoy it so much and I know a lot about the sport, however, I know my priorities must first be Christ, and then my family... Next week I judge 3 High School meets and then a 2-day club meet in Cincy. I managed to find sitters for all the meets including my dad for the Cincy meet so Joel can take a rest while we stay in Cincy! Here is a pic of me competing in St. John Arena many years ago... Please note the 5 people in the stands..

Anyway, enough about me.. Please Please pray for safety during travel for Joel and Ryan and for patience and sanity for me. I depend on Joel a lot when he is home to take care of little Joel!

1 comment:

  1. loving the blog. glad to hear you are enjoying the judging. sounds like a good outlet for you. will be praying for you the next couple weeks. its never easy when daddy is gone...somehow they just know! :)
