Friday, September 21, 2012

Life with 3 boys officially begins!

Luther at 4 months old

I say 'officially' because the past few months really didn't count because Joel was home so much to help with all the boys.

Low Milk + Husband out of town = need help!
The past few weeks have been a good 'warm up' for the school year officially beginning and me being 'on my own' with 3 little boys.  Joel has been gone much more often with local speaking engagements, meetings and a good amount of prep work for the beginning of the season.  A couple of weeks ago I got pretty sick and had a fever for a couple of days.  Then I had a bad sinus infection.  The combination of both of those made my milk supply drop very quickly and honestly, it took me a while to notice! I've never had this problem before and more commonly struggle with the opposite problem of oversupply and plugged ducts.  Because I wasn't as familiar with it, it snuck up on me, and I didn't even notice my supply had dropped until it was very very very low! Fortunately I was able to call on Papa Groskopf who came for 3 days to help with the boys so I could concentrate on nursing and pumping frequently.  I took a few supplements to help but interestingly, I had more success with brewer's yeast than fenugreek & mother's milk tea. After 2 full weeks, my supply finally returned to normal. Man.. that was not fun!

3 months into cloth diapering Vlog

The Columbus Zoo, Kings Island and Glenwood Gardens
We've had some awesome Zoo trips lately.  One included a momentous occasion for Judah.  When asked what his favorite part of the zoo trip was he replied, "Turtle" which is a huge breakthrough.  Usually from age 1-2 he would reply "zoo" or "trip." But he actually answered the question! wow. Here's what he was talking about -

in Cincinnati we visited the Glenwood gardens, which was really great for the kids.  Very creative, and excellent for learning.  Judah had a blast getting wet and watching the trains...

We also had our annual Kings Island trip which was a blast.  This year Joel was more fearful than last year and Judah was a bit tired so he wasn't as crazy as I expected him to be, but it was exhausting fun nonetheless!

Judah turns 2!
Judah turned two on September 19th.  He has been such a joy to watch as he has been turning into a toddler.  His latest obsessions are buckles, cars and trains, planes, and dirt.  We went to Macaroni Grill and brought a cake, that was about the extent of our birthday celebration.

We had a small party for Judah in Cincinnati as well...

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