Friday, July 30, 2010

Potty Time Day #3

Morning: accidents 1 successes 0
hm.. by now something should be clicking. However, we sat on the potty for 15 mins twice this morning. he held his pee a solid 2.5 hours before his morning nap and I'm sure once his diaper was put on he peed in it. We are thinking that perhaps putting on loose underwear that will get all wet with accidents might motivate him a little more. Sadly though, I don't think the problem is motivation, he is clearly learning to hold it, the problem is the connection being made that pee goes in the potty. Since it hasn't happened, he has no idea why he is sitting on the potty.

afternoon: accidents 4 successes 0
ok so he's definitely holding the pee longer, but there is absolutely no connection at all of where it is supposed to go. He now enjoys 'potty time,' after we say "Joel it's time to sit on the potty." he says excitedly "Bot-tee Bot-tee!" and runs to his little potty where we show him youtube kid videos with songs, he never gets this anywhere else so of course he loves potty time! We got him to sit about 15-20 mins each time today so that is an improvement as well.. I guess. By 5pm we had officially given up and put a diaper on him to go on an outing to the park. If I really want to make myself feel better I could count that poop 'success' from yesterday and also today one of Joel's accidents went 100% into Daddy's shoe so that should count for something right?

The following article outlines Julie Fellom's Book and the 'Potty Training in 3 days or less' method which we attempted. At one point she says "if your child is having less than a 75% success rate or worse, or doesn't seem to notice the pee running down her leg, stop and try again later." I think that a 0% success rate would qualify. However, he did notice the pee running down his legs he would whine and look over at us, but he never did anything right before it. It was like the pee just came out to his complete shock every time! ha.

She also says "It's pretty much guaranteed to work for children who try it before 28 months."


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Potty Time Day #2

Morning: Accidents 5 Successes 1!
Not sure why the frequency of poop & pee is going up rather than down, however we had a minor success this morning! The day started off with the plan to sit him on the potty every hour for at least 2.5 minutes.. so he 'gets it' and so maybe one of those times intersects with actual poop and pee, because he just isn't getting it. Mommy woke up late this morning and so by the time I got downstairs at 9:30am the Joels had gone through 4 accidents and 0 successes. Joel said he was whining and making a face and looking at him during the accident so maybe that is progress? Still I am shocked by how small the streams are. I had this vision of whisking him off to the potty midstream to complete the pee stream in the potty, then a connection would be made in his brain. Little did I know the pee stream would be less than 2 seconds. There is absolutely no chance of doing this in most cases, even with a 'larger' pee, which is like 5-7 seconds by the time I notice he is peeing it's over. I guess that's why we need to keep a closer eye on his face and other cues. This specifically is why I was able to catch his only 'success' this morning and get him to the potty in time: it was poop. I am very familiar with his poop face, and so I was able to scoop him up and get him to the potty in time for it to drop in. Afterwards we made him sit even longer (probably 4-5 mins total on the potty) and nothing more came out. We rejoiced, showered him with praise and kisses and showed him his poop and told him he did a great job 'putting it where it belongs.' oh yeah, then we gave him a cookie. oh we also had him sit on the potty about 4 times this morning for about 3-4 mins each, so that is minor progress too (he didn't refuse it, and he sat longer than we even anticipated!)

afternoon: accidents 2 successes 0
hm... someone is figuring out how to hold it I think. Accomplishments for the afternoon included 2x15 minute sessions of sitting on the potty.. yeay! Sadly, when he went down for his morning nap he let out probably enough poop & pee in his diaper for the entire rest of the day. Also sad, we are going to have another nap today which means another diaper, and I think somehow he knows that.
encouraging note: we went on a walk this evening and ran an errand and Joel stayed dry for all of it! in fact, in the evening, he held his pee for 3 hours! we continued to sit on the potty for long periods of time (10-15 mins) but Joel never let it out.. that is until dinner time. He ate like crazy and peed himself like crazy and was very happy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Potty Time!

Before I go into our "Potty Time" I feel I must justify why I'm being so insane by even attempting to train an 18 mo. old boy (and first born!), there are 3 main reasons why we are attempting to train Joel.
1. Our Dr. recommended it - seriously. He said "if you don't do it now, he will for sure be in diapers another year or more because of the new baby" I said.. hm you are probably right, might as well try.
2. I feel he could be 'ready' - ok I know everyone's definition of 'readiness' is different, however Joel was telling me 'potty' before he would poop about 3 months ago, has an interest in the potty, poops at regular times each day, listens and follows commands pretty well, and likes to 'put things where they belong.' oh and he can fart on command.. seriously. if you say to him "Joel, Fart." he will make this cute little strained face, fart, and then laugh hysterically about it.
3. The best time is now - Joel my husband is home more often in the Summer than any other time of year, and we only have 1 child that is running around currently.. so that makes the ratio easier than in the future.

I've been inspired by numerous blogs, websites and nannies or childcare workers who have said it is possible to train 'early' Here is one that really got me thinking positively

So, with all that said, we blocked off Wednesday the 28th - Friday the 30th for full-time potty training. We have committed to 3 full days assuming he doesn't take MAJOR strides backward in other areas (I've heard of this happening) i.e. not sleeping, not able to play by himself or extremely clingy, sick, or being very disobedient without explanation. Given these things don't happen, we will proceed on our 3 day venture.

Day 1 of Potty training attempt:
first morning = 4 accidents 0 successes
The poop accident was fortunately outside on the deck. Joel didn't like the idea of letting little Joel run around naked on the deck for potty training (something about appearing trashy to the neighbors) but after a few pee accidents inside the house he quickly warmed up to the idea. After the first 2 pee accidents, Joel held his pee much longer for the 3rd one. Each time he had a pee accident he cried. So I guess that is good. After the poop accident we had him sit on the potty for a couple of minutes to see if anything else would come out, it didn't. But since he sat well (watching blip videos of himself of course) we gave him 1/2 an M & M as a reward.
He is confused about not being allowed into certain areas of the house and that is upsetting him. I would like it if we could spend all day outside on the deck but the humidity is 84% so it's not that enjoyable for us. We might get desperate enough though. He keeps saying "daa pur" .. like "where is my diaper?" but doesn't seem to be bothered that it's not on. He is enjoying getting all the juice he wants and getting more attention from mommy and daddy.
afternoon = accidents 8 successes 0 Discipline 3 (spankings or time outs)
It is hot out. Joel is enjoying lots of juice and skyline crackers (to make him pee more)
side note: we just got the summer infant 'best view' video monitor delivered and we are really excited about it! see video of the video monitor HERE
Joel is not liking being confined to the kitchen area, he is also cranky from only having one nap today, we have broken many rules today to just get through it for instance: Joel was allowed to walk around and eat chips or whatever we wanted to give him, Joel was allowed to drink as much juice as he wanted, and at the end of the evening just to calm him down we allowed Joel to watch a veggie tales video. So, all in all, we took a few steps backward today and 0 steps forward. Hopefully something will click on either day 2 or day 3. We had to discipline Joel more often today bc he was either 1. bored 2. confused as to what was going on or 3. tired or 4. all of the above.. Joel my husband suggested at the end of the day that we reward ourselves with chipotle, wine coolers and cookie dough ice cream. It was rough for all of us but there were three good things about today I could find: 1. we saved about 4 diapers (what does that add up to.. $2.00?) 2. we got some great organizing in the kitchen cabinets done and 3. we realized that the whole 'no diaper' thing conveniently allows for easy spanking access so even though Joel was being extra disobedient, we don't feel like we moved backwards in this area bc we were able to remain firm.
video of the morning click HERE
oh ps - we are not sure of the whole cookie or M & M reward, it seems to make him even more demanding and whiny as he thinks he should be getting them all day long. oh, we only gave him two rewards - 1 M&M and 1 small cookie, the first one is mentioned above, the second one was for him actually telling me 'potty' going to the potty and sitting there for over a minute - a huge accomplishment even though nothing came out. that was in the afternoon sometime.. it all went downhill after that.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ohh man..

Long time no post! June ended up being busier than expected. We took 2 'working getaways' to attempt to write a book, aimed at HS and MS students titled 'Stand Your Ground.' Which is based off of Joel's school assembly presentation. The trips went well but the time away from Joel was difficult for us both!
Both getaways were at Indian Lake, in NW Ohio. A generous friend of ours and ministry donor encouraged us to use her huge lake house whenever we needed it.. we took major advantage of her offer! Joel writes about our book writing endeavor HERE in one of our latest Pentons' Progress issues. We made good progress, however, we still have a LONG way to go.. please pray for this huge undertaking as we would love to get it to the editing stages come September.

We also did some major house projects in June which were fun and much needed. The biggest one (in amount of hours) was moving Joel's former office into the loft so that we could set up and make room for Little Joel's new big boy room.. which will eventually be the room for both boys. (Hopefully the Lord will continue to bless us with more children!) sounds so easy.. right? Yeah, why are these projects always more difficult and time-consuming than expected? After we finally got Joel's new room mostly done we moved him in there and thought he would sleep just as well on a mattress on the floor as he did in his old crib. Ha. We sleep deprived him for a week (he would only sleep 1 hour for his nap but usually sleeps 3 hours) and then got horribly sick for a week straight after that. (See Below) So.. we moved him back to a pack n play inside his new room and will try again here soon. I attribute most of the problem to him not being adjusted to the room as 'his' room. So. ...we will see if time has helped or hurt the situation. Here is a pic of Joel enjoying his new table and chair set from IKEA, he is also enjoying a wrench of Daddy's.
We attended a couple of friends weddings, here is a pic of us at our friend Tim Rader's wedding.. I'm about 28 weeks in this pic, that would explain why I still look 'cute.'
We then had a lazy B-day celebration for Joel Jr. with some cake.
Then attended another wedding - a fancy wedding of Joel's good friend David Patterson, who was #97 on the D-Line.
With each wedding I get hotter (like, temperature wise) and huge-r. We are going to another wedding of a friend of mine in mid-August. I don't think I will be posting that picture!
We recently took a much needed 'Spiritual Retreat' where we watch and listened to 6 talks on 'The Supremacy of Christ and the Church in the Post Modern World." Click HERE for details. Again, we shipped our boy off to the grandparents.. It was refreshing and as I said above - much needed. We are considering doing this annually and possibly as a ministry.. because seriously, what is more important than Jesus? Honestly though, I think we were challenged to ask ourselves that question over and over during the trip itself as our dear son came down with high fevers for 4 days (like above 103) and then a rash and extreme irritability. (it was Roseola) Finally, he recovered and we were all reunited just last week - it was a relief!

Right now I am focused on making it through each day without passing out and trying not to become a whale. The new baby seems to move much more than Joel did and does seem to be bigger, however its easy to forget. Right now I'm almost 32 weeks and I feel like I did at around 37 weeks with Joel.. I am not sure how I will make it through August!

Joel sitting in lawn chair :
Joel lifts weights:
Joel and Daddy sword fighting:
Joel does his 'funny walk' :