Thursday, July 29, 2010

Potty Time Day #2

Morning: Accidents 5 Successes 1!
Not sure why the frequency of poop & pee is going up rather than down, however we had a minor success this morning! The day started off with the plan to sit him on the potty every hour for at least 2.5 minutes.. so he 'gets it' and so maybe one of those times intersects with actual poop and pee, because he just isn't getting it. Mommy woke up late this morning and so by the time I got downstairs at 9:30am the Joels had gone through 4 accidents and 0 successes. Joel said he was whining and making a face and looking at him during the accident so maybe that is progress? Still I am shocked by how small the streams are. I had this vision of whisking him off to the potty midstream to complete the pee stream in the potty, then a connection would be made in his brain. Little did I know the pee stream would be less than 2 seconds. There is absolutely no chance of doing this in most cases, even with a 'larger' pee, which is like 5-7 seconds by the time I notice he is peeing it's over. I guess that's why we need to keep a closer eye on his face and other cues. This specifically is why I was able to catch his only 'success' this morning and get him to the potty in time: it was poop. I am very familiar with his poop face, and so I was able to scoop him up and get him to the potty in time for it to drop in. Afterwards we made him sit even longer (probably 4-5 mins total on the potty) and nothing more came out. We rejoiced, showered him with praise and kisses and showed him his poop and told him he did a great job 'putting it where it belongs.' oh yeah, then we gave him a cookie. oh we also had him sit on the potty about 4 times this morning for about 3-4 mins each, so that is minor progress too (he didn't refuse it, and he sat longer than we even anticipated!)

afternoon: accidents 2 successes 0
hm... someone is figuring out how to hold it I think. Accomplishments for the afternoon included 2x15 minute sessions of sitting on the potty.. yeay! Sadly, when he went down for his morning nap he let out probably enough poop & pee in his diaper for the entire rest of the day. Also sad, we are going to have another nap today which means another diaper, and I think somehow he knows that.
encouraging note: we went on a walk this evening and ran an errand and Joel stayed dry for all of it! in fact, in the evening, he held his pee for 3 hours! we continued to sit on the potty for long periods of time (10-15 mins) but Joel never let it out.. that is until dinner time. He ate like crazy and peed himself like crazy and was very happy.

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