Before I go into our "Potty Time" I feel I must justify why I'm being so insane by even attempting to train an 18 mo. old boy (and first born!), there are 3 main reasons why we are attempting to train Joel.
1. Our Dr. recommended it - seriously. He said "if you don't do it now, he will for sure be in diapers another year or more because of the new baby" I said.. hm you are probably right, might as well try.
2. I feel he could be 'ready' - ok I know everyone's definition of 'readiness' is different, however Joel was telling me 'potty' before he would poop about 3 months ago, has an interest in the potty, poops at regular times each day, listens and follows commands pretty well, and likes to 'put things where they belong.' oh and he can fart on command.. seriously. if you say to him "Joel, Fart." he will make this cute little strained face, fart, and then laugh hysterically about it.
3. The best time is now - Joel my husband is home more often in the Summer than any other time of year, and we only have 1 child that is running around currently.. so that makes the ratio easier than in the future.
I've been inspired by numerous blogs, websites and nannies or childcare workers who have said it is possible to train 'early' Here is one that really got me thinking positively, with all that said, we blocked off Wednesday the 28th - Friday the 30th for full-time potty training. We have committed to 3 full days assuming he doesn't take MAJOR strides backward in other areas (I've heard of this happening) i.e. not sleeping, not able to play by himself or extremely clingy, sick, or being very disobedient without explanation. Given these things don't happen, we will proceed on our 3 day venture.
Day 1 of Potty training attempt:
first morning = 4 accidents 0 successes
The poop accident was fortunately outside on the deck. Joel didn't like the idea of letting little Joel run around naked on the deck for potty training (something about appearing trashy to the neighbors) but after a few pee accidents inside the house he quickly warmed up to the idea. After the first 2 pee accidents, Joel held his pee much longer for the 3rd one. Each time he had a pee accident he cried. So I guess that is good. After the poop accident we had him sit on the potty for a couple of minutes to see if anything else would come out, it didn't. But since he sat well (watching blip videos of himself of course) we gave him 1/2 an M & M as a reward.
He is confused about not being allowed into certain areas of the house and that is upsetting him. I would like it if we could spend all day outside on the deck but the humidity is 84% so it's not that enjoyable for us. We might get desperate enough though. He keeps saying "daa pur" .. like "where is my diaper?" but doesn't seem to be bothered that it's not on. He is enjoying getting all the juice he wants and getting more attention from mommy and daddy.
afternoon = accidents 8 successes 0 Discipline 3 (spankings or time outs)
It is hot out. Joel is enjoying lots of juice and skyline crackers (to make him pee more)
side note: we just got the summer infant 'best view' video monitor delivered and we are really excited about it! see video of the video monitor
HEREJoel is not liking being confined to the kitchen area, he is also cranky from only having one nap today, we have broken many rules today to just get through it for instance: Joel was allowed to walk around and eat chips or whatever we wanted to give him, Joel was allowed to drink as much juice as he wanted, and at the end of the evening just to calm him down we allowed Joel to watch a veggie tales video. So, all in all, we took a few steps backward today and 0 steps forward. Hopefully something will click on either day 2 or day 3. We had to discipline Joel more often today bc he was either 1. bored 2. confused as to what was going on or 3. tired or 4. all of the above.. Joel my husband suggested at the end of the day that we reward ourselves with chipotle, wine coolers and cookie dough ice cream. It was rough for all of us but there were three good things about today I could find: 1. we saved about 4 diapers (what does that add up to.. $2.00?) 2. we got some great organizing in the kitchen cabinets done and 3. we realized that the whole 'no diaper' thing conveniently allows for easy spanking access so even though Joel was being extra disobedient, we don't feel like we moved backwards in this area bc we were able to remain firm.
video of the morning click
HEREoh ps - we are not sure of the whole cookie or M & M reward, it seems to make him even more demanding and whiny as he thinks he should be getting them all day long. oh, we only gave him two rewards - 1 M&M and 1 small cookie, the first one is mentioned above, the second one was for him actually telling me 'potty' going to the potty and sitting there for over a minute - a huge accomplishment even though nothing came out. that was in the afternoon sometime.. it all went downhill after that.