Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is it too late to blog about Halloween?

ok, I admit. If I saw this title to someone else's blog post I would say, um, "YES!" But, I will write about it anyway, taking the chance that only a few might listen.

Halloween this year for the Pentons consisted of 3 opportunities for dress up.  Joel was a cowboy and Judah was a frog.  The Hilliard Library "Costume Ball," our church's "Harvest Celebration" and of course Trick-or-Treat.  Daddy was not able to make 2 out of 3 of the events, but attended the Library Costume Ball for the first time.  Here's a video of Joel 3's much improved throwing skills at the Library.

Judah and Joel did not do well at all at NW Bible's Harvest Celebration and I my friend Amy and I pushed hard to stay there a full hour.  Here's a video of Joel refusing to stand up in the bounce house at NW Bible.

Trick-or-treat went much better than expected, Joel had a blast and wasn't scared to go up to people this year. However, he would not go up to a house.  He only went up to people if they were waiting in the driveway (which is actually quite common in my neighborhood). Judah was not allowed out of the stroller due to Mommy's laziness in not wanting to lean over/squat down to pick him up after he fell on his face/ran into the street/etc.

The craziness that followed Halloween
We left early November for Van Wert and stayed there for a week while Joel and Ryan had assemblies and Concerts in the area.  Then home for 2 days, then Cincinnati for 3 days. Then home for 5 days, then (Thanksgiving week) back to Van Wert for 3 days, then to Cincy for 4 days, now we are finally all home! Joel has 1 more 3 day trip and then things finally settle down.  I am feeling so incredibly overwhelmed and exhausted!  The good news is that I got to spend more time with Joel than I expected for November.

Thanksgiving was also a high point.. there is good news to report from the Groskopf house!  The evening was discussed thoroughly by all parents involved in order to achieve some sort of peaceful evening (or as much as can be expected with 5 kids, 4 of them under 5). A plan was made, and the night went extremely well and I know all of the adults were encouraged by it.  Here's a video of Groskopf Thanksgiving.

Life at home
Judah is speaking ever so slightly.  Right now his favorite words are "Is that?" accompanied by a pointing finger, and "Ju-dah!" yes, he likes to say his own name... for no reason.  He also can now consistently sign for "More" and "All done" however, "All done" is usually accompanied by numerous loud shouts of "ahhhhh - daaaa!!!!" He quickly races to any open door and can easily open it if it is not all the way closed.  He also goes up the stairs constantly while laughing his little dolphin-sounding laugh.  Yes, he is a handful.

Joel is having a hard time knowing how to play with Judah without being "too rough."  It has been a challenge. It doesn't help that Judah laughs whenever he is tackled by Joel. Oh speaking of that, Joel's most favorite game right now is to run around the house in circles saying "I'm a football player, tackle me!" Joel tries to tell him that is not a good strategy but it isn't sinking in.

The boys are taking to their new nutrition plan very well.  Joel's now likes edamame and 'white trees.' (Cauliflower) and of course any fruit I put on his plate.  Judah will eat almost anything, like a dog.  With all of the travel and being around other sick kids I am not surprised that they are both sick.  Also, it was difficult to eat raw veggies and fruits and limit sweets while we were traveling. With time and consistency, I do hope for a healthier family as evidenced by less illnesses or at the very least shortened and less severe illnesses. More on this later.

Joel is arriving home tonight from his last trip for the calendar year.  Thank the Lord!  I don't know why but for some reason, this Fall seemed much harder than 'normal.'  Perhaps it is the pregnancy, or insanely crazy 1 year old & 2 year old.


  1. I hope you do post more on your nutrition for the kids. I am very intrigued. Any pointers on how to "start" this process with them??

  2. haha. well, we are pretty new at it, and I've never been the best cook. We started with lots of raw fruits, different kinds, they love all fruit and that was a super easy transition. Right now we do weekly: kiwi, rasberries, mango, bananas, avacados and tomatoes, sometimes blueberries and oranges. It was harder for me to get used to cutting fruit up constantly and shopping weekly! Judah isn't a huge fan of tomatoes or avacado, Joel likes all of it.
