Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Potty training attempt #2 Day 1

Ok. So I'm not gonna lie. I/We were not excited to do potty training this time. Perhaps it was the failed attempt from last time, or the thought of cooping up a 2 year old inside for 3 days, or the thought of pee everywhere, or maybe the reality of a more opinionated child... or perhaps just the combination of all of these.

Looking at the calendar this seemed to be the best time to do it, and I didn't want to wait too much longer as Joel is still eager to please us and curious about potty things. Fortunately we just had Joel's 2 year birthday party yesterday so we have plenty of new toys to keep him busy. More positives: Joel is realizing the privilege it is to have the full attention of his parents (he gets less and less of it these days) so the bare-bottomed method definitely gives him more attention. oh and lest I forget - we have been working on drinking from a 'real cup' which he really enjoys, this will give us the chance to perfect drinking from a 'real cup.'

Morning of Day #1
Successes 5
accidents 2

Woo Hoo! Joel spent the entire morning playing half naked and drinking 'juice' (full strength G2.. yummy treat for him!) by 11am still nothing had happened. We were getting a little nervous. We sat him on the potty a couple of times for about 5 mins each to no avail. Then of course while playing, he looked at me with huge panicked eyes and started wiping his legs with his hands. He had peed on his legs - nothing major, just a few drops. I could tell he did not like it though. I reminded him that his pee goes in the potty and we tried siting on the potty again. ..no luck. I pushed more G2 in the 'real cup' which he really enjoyed. By this time he's had about 12 ounces and only a few drops of pee so I know something will happen soon. Joel and I start to take turns sitting him on the potty for about 5 mins each, every 20 mins. Joel III and Daddy were playing in the other room and I hear "Belly Belly!" in kind of a whiny voice from Joel III. Joel says "I know your belly is big does it hurt?" Joel III says "Belly Hurt." So Joel takes him to sit on the potty for a little bit. Sure enough a few minutes later I hear "uh oh." from Joel III in a loud voice. We looked with anticipation inside the baby potty. ... a few drops of pee!! yeay! we gave him 1 skittle and then did a big song and dance. (To 'The Lord's Army') He had so much fun and was so bewildered that he got all that attention and a candy from just a few drops that he quickly returned to the potty after the dance and deposited a few more drops. We rewarded him again and Joel and I looked at each other thinking, "how much longer can we do this?" Secret: that time we cut the 2 minute song in half. after the second success Joel shouted 'Go Potty!' again.. and so I returned to the potty with him.. wondering and calculating how many drops it would take to = 12 ounces of G2/milk. This time a huge flood of pee came out. Mommy and Daddy were relieved.

One more accident and one more success and it was lunch time. Great job Joel III.

Here's a video we took this morning

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