Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Potty Training attempt #2 Day 2

Things have been going very very well. We are so impressed with Joel. Last night I had to leave to judge a gymnastics meet so Joel was on his own with both babies for an hour or so until Joel III went to bed (with a diaper on of course!). During that time Joel III had another success and Joel was thinking 'man he's really getting the hang of this!' To add to things, Joel had a small meeting at our house that was starting right after Joel III got in bed. Joel left Joel III alone for about 5 mins as he checked on the rest of the house to straighten things up. Sure enough when he returned he found Joel III sitting on top of one of our storage ottomans with a large dark ring just below his bottom. Apparently the feeling of something soft on his bottom was the cue or something as Joel III acted like nothing had happened. Joel felt a little overwhelmed at this point as he had about 30 minutes to give Judah a bottle, get Joel III to bed, clean up the accident and clean up the house! I think he survived.

totals from Day 1
Successes 6
accidents 3

Day 2

This morning we had a similar story to Day 1. Joel did nothing until around 11am. We were sitting him on the potty around every 20 minutes.. more frequent around 11am because I knew it was coming. Sure enough we had a hit at 11am and then another hit shortly afterward with a surprise - watch the video to hear about it -

I was so pumped and then we had lunch. During lunch at some point he peed in his booster seat. He did say to me "Go potty Go potty" near the end of lunch and I whisked him off to the potty only to discover he already went. We put a diaper on and I put him down for his nap.

Joel woke up from his nap pretty cranky and not happy to take his pants and diaper off. I let him sit on the couch next to me (sitting on a towel) and watch a video while I nursed Judah. We had one more hit then it was dinner time. Near the end of dinner he said "Go Pee Go Pee" and I whisked him off to the potty to discover the same pool of urine in his booster seat. Hm.... something about that seat feels comfortable to him I guess. In the evening I knew he should have one more pee so I was sitting him on the potty frequently. The timing didn't work out and while playing with a toy I heard him exclaim, "Pee! Pee!" He was pointing at it on the floor in front of him with a surprised look on his face. Then it was bedtime. Hm.. he does much better in the morning I guess.

Totals from Day 2
Successes 3
Accidents 3

Overall I'm pleased. We are starting to get a feel for when he goes and he is feeling more comfortable with the whole thing. Hopefully tomorrow he will give us some warning before an accident ... most of the hits are from times that we mandate him to sit on the potty. However there have been a few times that I say "ok Joel, your time is up, do you want to keep sitting on the potty?" and he says "Go potty." and he stays there and pees.. maybe he just wants me to leave him alone.

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