Monday, April 16, 2012

41 weeks...still waiting!

Whew! Past due date again. So thankful Joel is home and able to take care of Joel and Judah all day.

I thought that since I have time to do things I'd post an update about Easter. This Easter was our first as a family at our own home. Since the next day was my due date we decided not to leave town.  It was super nice and laid back.  We went to church in the morning and then had an indoor egg hunt.

Judah did an incredible job in his room 'hunting' his eggs. Once he discovered there was a jelly bean inside each egg there was no stopping him! After naps and a nice dinner we had our family worship time which included a teaching lesson about Jesus death and resurrection, using 'Resurrection Eggs.'  Joel loved the project, Judah had a hard time sitting through it, no surprise there.

Joel has finally mastered riding his bike, and has a blast doing it.  It took some perseverance from Daddy (Joel wasn't really motivated to learn, most of the time) but now that he 'has it' he wants to do it all the time!

9th Month of pregnancy quality time spent with Joel 3 is usually on the couch reading books.

Judah and Daddy have had some fun the past 2 weeks catching up on much needed quality time together. They are like best buds lately.  Daddy enjoys Judah's extreme playfulness and Judah enjoys Daddy's willingness to take him outside all the time:)
Some of Judah's favorite new words are "Haa Maa" for "help me" with arms up in the air (a sign we taught him for help a while ago). "Jaa-do" for Jesus.  "Ahh-bee" for Amen.  His pronunciation is not that great, but he tries to say almost everything now, and usually gets the number of syllables correct :)

What are we doing with ourselves while we wait?
Fun projects, like mulching.

Selling Joel's motorcycle.

and playing outside with our version of a 'water table.'

What else is going on as we wait?
As we wait we are challenged and reminded to rely on God for everything.  Our daily family worship sessions have been a huge blessing for me during this time.  As we sing and pray and talk about Jesus together as a family (yes, its short.. 5 minutes? I mean.. Judah is 1.) I am able to refocus on what is important and that produces more patience and an attitude of thankfulness within me.  We are so blessed.

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